Normal Cinnamon Buns

"Lighter" BUNS OF JOY

This version is the normal cinnamon buns and rolls - and because it's made without butter in the dough its ligher. It's as soft as our brioche cinnamon bun - but less "dense".

In addition to 400 grams of Buns & Brioche mix, you need the following to make 8 buns:
350 grams water (lukewarm)
30 grams fresh yeast
25 grams sugar
6 grams salt
Cardamom / vanilla in the dough (as you please)

Mix together water, sugar and yeast.
Add in the 400 grams of mix.
Once the dough starts to develop, add the salt.
Let the mixer run to knead the dough for about 5 minutes.

Shape the dough to a rectangle at about 10cm*20cm. We use tapioca starch to both sprinkle on the baking mat and to sprinkle over the dough as we roll it out.

Grease any pans, or baking molds/forms.

For thick, tender cinnamon buns and rolls, roll out the rectangle to about 30*50 cm wide (about 7-8mms thick dough) and apply whichever filling you want (see our cinnamon filling below). Squeeze the edge (if you want a tight fitting roll), roll, cut and leave to proof. 60 minutes if in a warm room (25 degrees celcius) but up to 1.5 hours if in a colder room (21 degrees C).

Once proofed, brush egg wash on them (our egg wash is: 1 egg + 1 tbsp milk).

If all buns are baked together in a pan, bake for 30-35 minutes at 200 degrees Celcius (convection oven / varmluftsugn).

If baked as individual rolls / kanelbullar, bake for 15-18 minutes. If you have some thicker rolls or "bundles", balled into a nice shape, you may need to bake them for 22-25 minutes.

Once out brush with sugar-water (0.25 dl water + 0.25 dl sugar boiled together). And leave to cool down for 15 minutes.

Ready to enjoy.

Cinnamon filling (just mix together the ingredients until a smooth and soft spread):
75 grams soft butter
0,5 dl brown sugar
0,5 dl moscuvado sugar
3 tsp cinnamon (real/genuine)
+ mix together 1.5 tablespoon of corn starch (maizena) with 1 tbsp of water

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